
2023-11-27 10:40管理员

  1. 任自敬, 李星阅, 王越, 马佳佳, 桑明, 周佩洋. 青蒿琥酯对缺血性脑卒中模型大鼠神经元凋亡、炎性反应及小胶质细胞极化的影响[J]. 中华行为医学与脑科学杂志, 2023,32(2):119-126.
  2. 叶俊杰, 孙晓东, 蒋琦, 桑明*. 人脐带血血浆外泌体调控帕金森病小鼠免疫反应发挥神经保护作用的研究[J]. 中国病理生理杂志,2023,39(8):1422-1430. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4718.2023.08.010.
  3. 冯胜蓝, 孙晓东, 谢丽霞, 桑明*. 白藜芦醇改善α-突触核蛋白A53T转基因小鼠运动功能障碍和调节外周免疫的作用研究[J]. 中国实验动物学报, 2022, 30(5):646-654. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005-4847.2022.05.007.
  4. 叶俊杰,孙晓东,袁乐永,桑明*. 人脐血血浆外泌体提取方法的比较[J]. 生物工程学报, 2022, 38(6):2342-2351. DOI:10.13345/j.cjb.210919.
  5. 曾炼,刘晨光,孙晓东,等. 罗哌卡因通过抑制STAT3的磷酸化诱导PC12细胞线粒体自噬[J]. 中国病理生理杂志,2021,37(7):1187-1194. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4718.2021.07.005.
  6. 葛京京, 徐红霞, 谢丽霞, 杜凯丽, 桑明, & 孙晓东*.人浆液性卵巢癌细胞体外培养体系的建立及其在化疗药物敏感性检测中的应用. 吉林大学学报 (医学版), 2021, 47(4), 999-1007.
  7. 孙晓东, 周珍, 曾炼, 谢丽霞, 杜凯丽, 桑明*. 白藜芦醇通过诱导细胞自噬性死亡抑制宫颈癌的研究. 天然产物研究与开发, 2021.33(2), 208.
  8. 徐美玲,张帆,张瑜, 桑明, 王普清. Prnp-SNCA-A53T 帕金森病转基因小鼠肠道菌群差异. 中国实验动物学报, 2021, 29( 3): 284
  9. Xiaodong Sun, Qianqian Xu, Lian Zeng, Lixia Xie, Qiang Zhao, Hongxia Xu, Xuanbin Wang, Nan Jiang, Pan Fu, Ming Sang*, Resveratrol Suppress the Growth and Metastatic Potential of Cervical Cancer through Inhibiting STAT3Tyr705 Phosphorylation, Cancer Medicine, 2020, 9(22),8685-8700.
  10. Chai, S., Liu, D., Liu, Y., Sang, M*. A novel c. 3636-4 A> G mutation in the CCDC88C plays a causative role in familial spinocerebellar ataxia. Human Heredity. 2023,10, online.
  11. Chai, S., Sun, X., Fu, C., Xu, Q., Ren, Z., Sang, M*. Identification and characterization of the inhibitory effect of ART on colorectal cancer cells using Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 2022. 53(2), 191-201.
  12. Xincai Hao†, Xiaodong Sun†, Haizhen Zhu, Lixia Xie, Xuanbin Wang, Nan Jiang, Pan Fu* and Ming Sang*. Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin-Complexed Resveratrol Enhanced Antitumor Activity in a Cervical Cancer Model:In VivoAnalysis. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2021,12:573909.
  13. Pan Fu, Qiang Zhao, Li Shi, Qin Xiong, Hongxia Xu, Senmao Cai, Qianqian Xu, Xiaodong Sun, Ming Sang*, Isolation and complete genome sequencing of the virulent phage vB_EcoS_XY3 infecting multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli, Archives of Virology. 2020, 166:303-307.
  14. Fu, P., Zhao, Q., Shi, L., , Xu, H., et al.... & Sang, M. Identification and characterization of two bacteriophages with lytic activity against multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli. Virus Research, 2021, 291: 198196.
  15. Sun, X., Fu, P., Chai, S., Xu, Q., Zeng, L., Sang, M*. Resveratrol inhibits the progression of cervical cancer by suppressing the transcription and expression of HPV E6 and E7 genes. International journal of molecular medicine, 2021, 47(1), 335-345.
  16. Fan Zhang, Liya Yue, Xing Fang, Gengchao Wang, Cuidan Li, Xiaodong Sun, Xinmiao Jia, Jingjing Yang, Jinhui Song, Yu Zhang, Chongye Guo, Guannan Ma, Ming Sang*, Fei Chen*, Puqing Wang*, Altered gut microbiota in Parkinson's disease patients/healthy spouses and its association with clinical features, Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 2020, 81, 84-88.



白藜芦醇通过诱导细胞自噬性死亡抑制宫颈癌的研究 2021 05 28.pdf

罗哌卡因通过抑制STAT3的磷酸化诱导PC12细胞线粒体自噬 曾炼.pdf

人脐血血浆外泌体提取方法的比较 (1) 下载版.pdf

人脐带血血浆外泌体调控帕金森病小鼠 中国病理生理杂志.pdf

3 Fu Pan Archive of virology Isolation and genome IF5 is 2.57.pdf

5 SXD ijmm Resveratrol inhibits HPV E6 E7 IF5 is 4.08.pdf

2 Fu Pan Virus research Identification two IF5 is 4.48.pdf

7 Zhang Fan gut PD IF5 is 4.89.pdf

13 Chai 3yearsIF 2.65 J Raman 2022 01.pdf

1 SXD Hydroxypropyl-β-Resveratro Fronties in Phamacology IF5 is 6.45.pdf

6 Xiaodong cancer medicine 2020 10 10 IF5 is 4.609.pdf

Prnp-SNCA-A53T 帕金森病转基因小鼠肠道菌群差异 徐美玲.pdf

